Oily Baby

It's weekend and I lurrrrrve weekends!! I'm sure everyone else loves weekends too. So these are the things that I usually do on weekends:

1. Catch up with studies.
I'm a slow learner so I need more time to digest whatever things that my lecturers have thought during the weekdays.

2. Watch DVDs. (If I'm in the mood to watch.)
I don't actually like to watch movies. I don't know why. So if I got bored, I would bang on my friend's door to borrow some DVDs.

3. Gossiping!
U can find me at my friend's room gossiping about whatever shit that happened during the week. I love, love spending time with my friends!

4. Outing to town!
This is one of the best activities. I heart outings! It can be tiring though.

5. The most exciting part? I would pamper myself with QV Bath Oil! Yeah. I am Oily Baby on weekends!

I know. I look fugly in the picture. I dont care coz I love the oily feels. The reason why I have to use Bath Oil? It's because I inherited lentigines from my family. Lentigines is also known as Leopard Syndrome and age@liver spots. U have no idea what lentigine is? Google it babe!

So one of the ways to slow lentigines is to use bath oil. I'm using QV Bath Oil and lemme tell u, it's quite expensive. *sad* Lentigines is rare in Asia though. Only the elders have it. Not youngsters like me. It's different in the western countries if I'm not mistaken.

So tell me, is it common to have lentigines in western countries?